Progress Log 6 - Area Inspection

Team Summary

With the showcase event drawing closer (mid-September!), the team is working hard to get the game into a presentable state in the realms of the gameplay, the aesthetics and the promotional material. Most of the mechanics are complete and Raymond is working through additional things to truly polish the gameplay experience and put Bullet Bunny's best foot forward. Hahnul and Nich have been working through key game assets critical to the presentation of level two such as character animations and background assets. Meanwhile, Sean has worked away at the poster for our booth to give an attractive first impression for Bullet Bunny! Just a little more to go, let's keep on trucking!

Individual Outlines



  • Completed the forward lean for Buck when sliding on the sliding pipes.
  • Recorded and edited the tutorial video.
  • Determined which levels from the level two storyboard would be used for the level two showcase.

A mockup of the timer that will be present throughout the runtime of the level to track your total time spent playing each level.

A mockup of the pause menu with the stage number display and the death counter.

In Progress

  • Buck's leaning animation still requires a backward leaning animation for slowing down.

Assigned Tasks

  • Create heads-up display (HUD) icons for a timer and death counter. Basic proof of concepts are included below.
  • Finish Buck's leaning back animation for the pipe sliding animation.
  • Begin level design for the selected screens in level two.
  • Manage back-end management for the showcase and upload relevant material such as gameplay screenshots, studio logo and game logo.



  • Finished the main set of terrain tiles.
  • Significant progress on background tiles.

Background tiles with terrain tiles in front for side-by-side context.

A closeup of the light that will be used decoratively throughout the background for variation.

Swatches of different terrain tiles against the background tiles during the development process.

In Progress

  • Background tiles still require some minor refinement and potentially some decorative elements befoer the showcase.

Assigned Tasks

  • Finish the background tiles.
  • Add additional background assets that will be used throughout the level (eg. lights, grates, cracks etc.)
  • Midground assets if the background tiles are finished early.
  • Begin level design for the selected screens in level two.



  • Implemented the sprites and animations for the acid bubble hazard.
  • Revised the falling platform animations to better capture the team's artistic vision.
  • Adjusted the jumping mechanics by adding coyote time (additional time the player is given after running off a ledge that they can use to jump despite not touching the ground) to make jumping feel more forgiving.
  • Implemented the mechanics of a new type of flying enemy that will be used in level two. It will orbit around a designated point at a designated radius.

Assigned Tasks

  • Update the main and pause menus to utilise a more thematically appropriate font.
  • Add the Bullet Bunny logo to the main menu.
  • Add in the HUD elements (timer, death counter and stage number display). The timer will always be visible but the death counter and stage number will only display on the pause menu.



  • Completed the poster for Bullet Bunny.
  • Vectorised the Bullet Bunny logo with minor design adjustments from the original draft.

The finished poster for Bullet Bunny.

The high quality version of the Bullet Bunny logo.

In Progress

  • Flying acid enemy still requires animation.
  • Acid enemies require defeat animations.
  • Acid walking enemy needs aesthetic adjustment to align to the acid bubble hazard.

Assigned Tasks

  • Animate the flying acid enemy.
  • Adjust the walking acid enemy's bubbles.
  • Defeat animations for acid enemies.
  • Begin level design for the selected screens in level two.

Get Bullet Bunny

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