Progress Log 8 - Production Flow

Team Summary

With the event done and dusted, we're back to work with the remaining bulk of level two to complete. Thankfully the rush for the event ensured that we had majority of our systems in working condition. As such, we're entering a 'production mode' in which our framework is set and we just need to build off the solid foundation we've created so far! In the weeks to come we'll continue making visual assets to decorate the level, level designs, play-testing, bug fixes and system optimisations.

Individual Outlines



  • Two level designs for level two to showcase bubble hazards, falling platforms and enemies.
  • Idle animation for Buck when sliding on the sliding pipe.

Buck's idle animation while sliding with no directional input.

A level design for level two showcasing the spikes hazards and acid bubble hazards.

Another level design for level two, adding the elements of enemies and falling platforms.

In Progress

  • Acid spray animation for Buck's feet when sliding on pipes.

Assigned Tasks

  • Adjust spike hazard sprites.
  • Finalise acid spray animation.
  • Work on level designs for remaining screens within level two.



  • Generated an asset list for decorative elements in level two.

In Progress

  • Asset list will continue to be added to if necessary.
  • Preliminary work on a few midground decorative assets.

Assigned Tasks

  • Generate asset list items.
  • Create game-ready assets from asset list.



  • Implemented end of level screen which displays time taken and number of deaths accrued.
  • Implemented visual assets including enemy animations, enemy death animations, sliding pipe sprite update and Buck's sliding animations.
  • Implemented a 'sliding state' for Buck to aid in the implementation of sliding-related assets.

Assigned Tasks

  • Adjust the alignment of the grounded upward attack.
  • Fix a bug in which Buck automatically melee attacks a second time without input.
  • Fix a bug in which the skip menu confirmation screen persists when pressing escape to close the menu.
  • Adjust the aerial downward attack hitbox.
  • Implement acid spray animation when Buck is sliding on pipes.
  • Implement the new spike sprites.




  • Acid flyer enemy animations.
  • Acid enemy death animations.
  • Adjusted the acid walker enemy's bubbles to align to visuially match the acid bubble hazard.
  • Created QR code flyer for the survey link with a display stand for the event.
  • Created business card design featuring the new and updated logos.
  • Printed and cut QR code flyer and business cards.

Updated acid walker enemy with solid bubbles to visually match with the acid bubble hazard.

Acid flyer enemy.

Acid enemy death animation. The animation is shared between the two enemies.

A level design to showcase the sliding pipes in combination with other level-two-specific mechanics.

Assigned Tasks

  • Acid pool animation to replace bottomless pits as hazards in level 2.
  • Work on level designs for remaining screens within level two.

Get Bullet Bunny

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