Progress Log 3 - Sewer Diving

Team Summary

This week, the team will be moving on fully into the development of the second level. Minor aesthetic loose ends were tied up for level one such that we can close that chapter and refocus our efforts directly into the foundations of level two. With a games festival coming up for us, time is of the essence to get the core gameplay elements of the second level ready to showcase a greater range of gameplay possibilities for Bullet Bunny outside of just the first level.

Individual Outlines



  • Began conceptual work on the sprites that are to be used for the sliding pipe prefab in the second level. After some discussion and iteration, it was decided that Buck will be able to grind/slide on the pipes which will automatically move Buck to the right upon touching the pipe. The automatic directional movement should lead to some interesting level designs akin to auto-scrolling levels. Within the sprites for the pipes, one features a broken segment of pipe that would spray its acidic contents upward, acting as a hazard that the player would need to jump over and avoid. Diagonal pipes were scrapped due to complications in implementation and design.
  • Began conceptual design of the falling platform sprites. It is designed to look like a manhole cover to fit the sewer theme with a corroded bottom to indicate deterioration and instability of a metallic object used in a damp/wet setting. It was initially quite thin but was later changed to be thicker for aesthetic purposes.

Conceptual work of the aesthetic direction of the sliding pipes.

Concept of the diagonal sliding pipes and how they connect to their horizontal counterparts.

Concept of the falling platform and the acid spray from the broken segments of the sliding pipe.

Implementation of the fans and panels to the terrain elements of the first level.

Assigned Tasks

  • Animate the sliding pipes' acid spray for the sliding pipe's spray hazard.
  • Animate the falling platform. It will shake when Buck lands on it and rust particles will shake off.
  • Decorate the interactable terrain within level one with panel and fan tiles.



  • Completed the background tileset with fixes to previously found issues appended. The background tiles have been implemented into all screens within level one in various configurations.
  • Midground elements completed for level one. They have been implemented into the screens in level one where applicable to populate the level with decorative elements.
  • Completed the colour palette for level two. The palette is to be maintained throughout the creation of the assets for level two. If changes are to be made to colours at some point in production, colours will be changed across the assets for level two to align to the adjusted palette to maintain consistency.

Midground assets and background elements implemented throughout the first level.

Assigned Tasks

  • Populate an asset list for level two's decorative elements and collect visual reference for them.
  • Begin work on the tileset for the second level aligning to the previously created mood-boards for theme and artistic direction as well as the palette for colours.


Various layers can be added for tilesets in Unity which allow for layered application of tiles. Implementation of layers can allow for further layering and overlapping of tile elements, creating further illusion of depth in the level aesthetics.



  • Fixed the Bullet Jump particle effects to utilised the different animated variations of the particle as opposed to using a single variation and rotating its display to match the player's directional input.
  • Started work on the sliding pipes for level two. Currently, Buck will automatically move to the right while standing on the pipe and will carry the momentum after jumping off the pipe.
  • Implemented the detonation animation for the Mine enemy in level one. It plays a unique detonation animation if Buck collides with the Mine while it is in its armed state.
  • Implemented the ammo HUD element that displays the amount of remaining Bullet Jumps Buck has.
  • Implemented the functional elements of the Acid Bubble hazard. The Acid Bubble features an adjustable stopping point as it floats upward and is bouncier than regular enemies if Buck performs a downward aerial attack (pogo) on it.

In Progress

  • Sliding pipes require further revision to make them achieve the desired gameplay effect. Currently there are issues when Bullet Jumping against the direction of movement, causing jittery movement as you move left and the pipe forces you to move right. Other considerations are being discussed to improve the gameplay of the sliding pipe.

Assigned Tasks

  • Implementation of a basic menu system consisting of a main menu and a pause menu. The pause menu will feature a 'skip screen' function that will be available in test versions of the game for testing purposes.
  • Continue working on the sliding pipes to improve gameplay experience. Additions and adjustments such as variable movement speed from directional input while sliding, Bullet Jumps negating inherited momentum from sliding pipes while airborne and disabling horizontal Bullet Jumps while sliding on the pipe.



  • Acidic Walker enemy's walk cycle animation for level two. The walker enemy will walk from point A to point B, disappear then reappear at point A to repeat its movement again. It will essentially only walk in a single direction as opposed to the walker from level one which walks between two points and turns around.

The looping 'walking' animation for the walker style enemy in the second level.

In Progress

  • Walker enemy animations. It will require an entrance and exit animation to suit its desired movement mechanics within level two as well as a defeat animation when attacked by the player.
  • Concept art for the poster for its composition.

Assigned Tasks

  • Vectorisation of the Bullet Bunny logo.
  • Acidic flying enemy animation. This will consist of an idle flying animation as its movement will be managed within Unity.
  • Generic defeat animation to be shared between the two acidic enemies for level two.

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